Ernst Wagner


This contribution is related to Titus Matiyane's World Map. Link


World maps are an unusual but  attractive and important topic for art lessons - especially in view of today's global challanges: Trade; migration; environmental destruction; populism and identitarian tendencies; and global, transcultural influences are worldwide phenomena. They shape our ideas of the world just as we shape the world with our ideas. That world maps are subject to such influence is perhaps surprising at first, since we often consider them to be objective or true.




 Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 2020, Nov 8. "Utopia of the South"


However, (world) maps are (also) images, as they show content in a visual form. When comparing different world maps, it quickly becomes clear that there is no "correct" or "objective" representation of the content. Rather, they convey a specific message and represent certain ways of looking at the world, worldviews and ideologies. The PDF (in German only) offers suggestions on how to teach the subject "world maps - world pictures" in art education.


Download PDF (in German only)


This material was developed in the context of implementing the [Global Learning Framework], developed by Engagement Global. Supported by the Bavarian Ministry for Education.