

(A) Gender Matters - Conference at the University of Pretoria

By Michaela Almog, Tina Keck, Christian Römmelt & Mina Ton. In: BDK Mitteilungen 2/2024, pp 42-43 - in German


1001 Ways of Seeing

Nobumasa Kiyonaga, Bernadette Van Haute and Ernst Wagner (eds). Waxmann, Münster / New York. 2024 (Link)


Transkulturelle Bildwelten - Multiperspektivische Zugänge im Kunstunterricht - in German

Constanze Kirchner, Nicola Pauli, Ernst Wagner (eds). Kopaed, Munich. 2023. Discussion of the results of the EVC conference at the University of Augsburg in 2022. (Link)  


The Art of Music

By Janina Totzauer. In: BDK INFO 32 (2023), pp 36-37 (English translation)


Global Perspectives in Art Education - Objects from West Africa. A manual for Art Teachers in Germany. Preliminary translation into English. Download PDF (15 MB) Tis publication is the result of three years of collaboration between Ghanaian and German art teachers.

By Ebenezer Kwabena Acquah, Patrique deGraft-Yankson, Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel, Gertrude Nkrumah, Selasi Awusi Sosu; Katharina Fink, Philipp Schramm; Werner Bloß, Miriam El-Refaeih, Robin Heydenreich, Tim Proetel, Franziska Seitz-Vahlensieck, Ernst Wagner.  (Edited by ISB, Munich)

Original version in German: Globale Perspektiven im Kunstunterricht - am Beispiel von Objekten aus Westafrika  Download PDF -  (Link).


"Safety Suit": A Transcultural Student Collaboration

By Lawrence Kyere and Rosa Pfluger. In: Africa e Mediterraneo - Cultura e Società, n. 95, Ed. Sandra Federici Download PDF


Collective Memory - Visual Perspectives from Cameroon, Germany, Ghana, Kenay, and South Africa (Catalogue of the online exhibition)

By Ebenezer Acquah, Paul-Henri Souvenir Assako Assako, Patrique deGraft‐Yankson, Mary Clare Kidenda, Nicola Pauli, Avi Sooful (Eds.) Download PDF


Die Kraft eines gebundenen Besens - der bayerische BDK-Wettbewerg "Kunststück. Kunst vermitteln" mit globaler Perspektive

By Brigitte Kaiser: In: BDK INFO 31 (2022), pp 36-41 - in German (Link)


Visual Cultures of Africa

By Mary Clare Kidenda, Lize Kriel, Ernst Wagner (Eds.). Waxmann 2022.  E-Book: Open Access: Link  Introduction to this first EVC book: Link


Arts Education. A global term?

By Ernst Wagner. In: Wolfgang Schneider, Yvette Hardie, Emily Achieng Akuno, Daniel Gad (Eds.), Cultural Policy for Arts Education. African-European Practices and Perspectives. Berlin 2022. pp 29-46. Open Access:


Von der Entmachtung des westlichen Blicks – eine Prognose zum Ende der documenta als Ausstellungsformat. - in German

By Ernst Wagner. In: Kunst+Unterricht (K+U) 459-460/, 2022. pp 72


Typisch! Oder doch nicht? (Typical! Or is it?) - in German

By Ernst Wagner. In: Austrian Development Agency. Weltnachrichten 3/21, Vienna/Austria (eds.)  (link)


Decolonisation of art education? / Dekolonisierung der Kunstpädagogik? - in English (link) and in German (link)

Natalie Göltenboth in conversation with Ernst Wagner. Goethe-Institut, Latitude, March 2021


Weltbilder (Worldviews). Kunst 5-10, Issue 62 (I/2021) - in German


  • Barbara Lutz-Sterzenbach (ed.): World views
  • Annette Schemmel: Ceramics with heads - Vessels in human or animal shape
  • Anna Börnsen: Masks from West Africa - Designing masks from recycled and natural materials
  • Katharina Knaus: Mythical creatures from all over the world
  • Stefanie Müller: The thousand mountains of Fan Kuan - Mountain landscapes based on Chinese models
  • Barbara Lutz-Sterzenbach: Hokusai Manga - A monster scene in black and white
  • Barbara Lutz-Sterzenbach: Tanka - Exploring Japanese poetry
  • Tim Proetel: Adinkras - Transformation of symbols


Back Coupling - in English

Catalogue for the exhibition Back Coupling in 3 Munich galleries. June 2021  (Link)


Weltkarten - Weltbilder - in German

By Ernst Wagner. Engagemnet Global OER: Link


Kunstpädagogik dekolonialisieren - in German

By Barbara Lutz-Sterzenbach & Ernst Wagner. In: BDK-Mitteilungen 4.2021. S. 30 f.



Эрнст Вагнер. (CULTURE, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT). In: Spirituality of a Personality: Methodology, Theory and Practice. Issue 2(101) 2021, Ukraine


Welche Kunstgeschichte sollen wir betreiben? Content im Horizont der Globalisierung. Auf dem Weg zu einer transformativen Kunstpädagogik - in German

By Ernst Wagner. In: Kirschenmann, Johannes & Schulz, Frank (Hrsg.), Begegnungen - Band 2 der Sonderreihe KUNST · GESCHICHTE · UNTERRICHT. 2021. München (Kopaed). S. 270 – 310


Sakralarchitektur (Religious Architecture) - in German

By Werner Bloß.


Shared Content in Transnational Communities in Real and Virtual Environments: Art Education in the Context of Globalization

Summary of the project by Ernst Wagner for the Czech publication “Connection – Contact – Community”, edited by Hana Stehlíková Babyrádová and Blahoslav Rozbořil, and set to be published by MU (Brno) in cooperation with Dokořán Publishing House (Prague) 2020: Overview over the project, giving an example as a case study, a joint interpretation of El Anatsui’s installation “Rising Sea” by Patrique deGraft-Yankson (from Ghana) and Ernst Wagner (from Germany). In English. Download of manuscript? Please click here.


Scripture in different cultures (Schrift in verschiedenen Kulturen) - in German

By Franziska Seitz-Vahlensieck. In: Lutz-Sterzenbach (ed.): Kammerlohr - Fundamente der Kunst 2, Oldenburg Verlag, München 2019, S. 122-123


Worldviews - World of Images - in German

By Annette Schemmel and Tim Proetel, in: BDK Info 29/2020, edited by the NGO BDK – Association for Art Education, pp 46 - 49 Link .


Diversity in Arts Education - an International Perspective - in German.

By Ernst Wagner: Diversitätsorientierte Kulturelle Bildung in internationaler Perspektive: (Einführung in die ifa-Studie) / IFA (ifa-Edition Kultur und Außenpolitik), Stuttgart. 2020:


El Anatsui, Rising Sea - in German.

By Patrique deGraft-Yankson: El Anatsui, Rising Sea. In: Astrid Brosch & Ernst Wagner (Hrsg): 101 Ikonen - Schlüsselwerke des kulturellen Bildgedächtnisses im Kunstunterricht. Westermann 2020


Arts, Culture, Education and Development

By Ernst Wagner in: MONOGRAPH. International Association of Educating Cities (Barcelona), City, Culture and Education. pp 62 - 71. Barcelona 2020 Link / Download PDF In English


Diversity 2.0 – global art education

Ernst Wagner gives an overview of the project and explained its theoretical and political background Ffor the German Journal “BDK Info” 28/2019, edited by the NGO “BDK – Association for Art Education.” In German. (Link)

Short version in English: DIVERSITY 2.0 – ART EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALISATION. In: Hana Stehlíková Babyrádová et al. (eds). Contact – Community – Connection, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic. Praha (Dokořán)


The Tattooed Locker – A School Project - in German.

By Annette Schemmel, in: Kunst 5-10. volume 57/2019, pp 18 - 23 


Arts Education and Cultural Diversity - Policies, Research, Practices and Critical Perspectives.

By Lum, Chee Hoo, Wagner, Ernst (Eds.). UNITWIN Yearbook I. 2019. Singapore (Springer).


Arts and Cultural Education in a World of Diversity

By Lígia Ferro, Ernst Wagner, Luísa Veloso, Teunis IJdens, João Teixeira Lopes (Eds.) Yearbook of the European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education (ENO). 2019. Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-06007-7_14


Das Konzept ‚Kulturelle Bildung‘ im globalen Kontext.

By Eckart Liebau & Ernst Wagner. In:  DGfE (Hrsg.). Räume für Bildung – Räume der Bildung, 2018. Veröffentlichung zum 25. DGfE-Kongress: Verlag Barbara Buderich, S. 199 ff


Migration im Museum

By Rainer Wenrich & Josef Kirmeier (eds.). 2017. München (Kopäd)


Diversity im Kunstunterricht – Modelle inter- und transkultureller Vermittlungspraxis

By Ann-Jasmin Ratzel, Ernst Wagner & Rainer Wenrich (eds.). 2017. München (kopaed).


„Bildende-Kunst“ - Beitrag für Orientierungsrahmen Globale Entwicklung

By Sabine Grosser, Rudolf Preuss and Ernst Wagner. In: KMK/BMZ (Hrsg.): Orientierungsrahmen für den Lernbereich Globale Entwicklung im Rahmen einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Bonn 2016 (2. akt. u. erw. Auflage). Cornelsen. S. 189 ff.



Public Lectures in the Context of EVC


August 2024: ACASA Conference, Chicago

  • Paul-Henri S. Assako Assako: The internationalization of contemporary afro culture: the challenges of the afro fashion association Milan since 2014
  • Mary Clare Kidenda et al: Artistic Collaborations: Hawker Mali Mali and Narratives of The Anthropocene
  • Avi Sooful:  Rewriting the Visual: Can We Imagine a Joint Textbook for Art from the Global South and the Global North?
  • Ernst Wagner: 1001 ways of seeing

For more details please visit:




  • 19 - 22 September 2023: EVC Conference "(A)Gender Matters" at University of Pretoria, South Africa (More than 30 lectures. Please visit the News section)
  • 13 July 2023: Further training "Only together! | Inclusive Cultural Institutions - The Museum", Bayreuth, Germany: Lecture by Ernst Wagner: Multiperspectivity and Inclusion - The Example of EVC
  • 30 May 2023: Conference „Images of Africa“ (ELIAS Meeting), Cologne, Germany: Lecture by Ernst Wagner: Images of / from / about Africa – in education
  • 14 March 2023: Workshop 'People beyond borders' (online): Lectures by Avitha Sooful, Ernst Wagner (see report)
  • 7 March 2023: Seminar The Power of Images, Winneba, Ghana. Welcome Address by Prof. Emmanuel O. Acquah, Dean, SCA. Lectures by Ebenezer Acquah, Avitha Sooful, Gabriele Schrüfer, Patrique deGraft-Yankson, Ernst Wagner, Joseph Essuman, Christian Römmelt, Getrude Nkrumah, Philipp Schramm, Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel (see report)



  • 24 / 25 November 2022: Symposium on the Global Development Policy Framework (KMK-BMZ), Leipzig, Germany. Exploring Visual Cultures - an Introduction. Lecture and workshops by Ernst Wagner
  • 20 - 22 October 2022: "Transcultural Imageries" - Conference in Augsburg, Germany. Lecture by Avitha Sooful and many Ghanaian and German EVC members (Link)
  • 22 August 2022: International Summer University 2022 – Transmedia Storytelling. Karnitz, Germany: Narratives of/in the anthropocene. Lecture by Ernst Wagner
  • 20 August 2022: Artist Talk at the exhbition "Water Bodies" at MaHalla Berlin. By Constantine Amougui (Cameroon), Isadora Canela (Brazil), Hugo Haddad (Brazil), Lis Haddad (Brazil / India), Christian Kabuss (Germany), Esther Kute (Kenya), Theophilus Mensah (Ghana), Thaís Paiva (Brazil / Germany), Netshia Shonisani (South Africa)
  • 29 July - 5 August 2022: EVC Summer School in Kassel, Germany: Rootedness – Resourcefulness – Resistance. Lectures by Ebenezer Kwabena Acquah, Onana Amougui, Paul H S Assako Assako, Hans Binder-Knott, Werner Bloß, Isadora Canela, Patrique deGraft-Yankson, Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel, Emman Gwaro, Lis Haddad, Christian Kabuss, Bettina Keck, Mary Claire Kidenda, Constanze Kirchner, Johannes Kirschenmann, Nobumasa Kiyonaga, Regina Kushtanova, Esther Kute, Katharina Linsel, Thaís Paiva Machado, Theophilus Mensah, Gertrude Nkrumah, Nicola Pauli, Odoch Pido, Iván Holguín Sarabia, Markus Schlee, Anja Schönau, Philipp Schramm, Netshia Shonisani, Alba Corina Valadez Solis, Avi Sooful, Ernst Wagner   Link
  • 22 June 2022: Further training for art teachers in Swabia, Germany at Augsburg University: African fabrics and the National Theatre in Accra Lecture by Franziska Seitz-Vahlensieck and Miriam El Refaeih (Munich & Augsburg, Germany)
  • 1 June 2022: Further training for art teachers in Upper Franconia at Richard-Wagner-Gymnasium Bayreuth / Iwalewahaus: National-Theatre, Hairstyles and the Uche Okeke exhibition. Lectures and workshops by Miriam El-Refaeih, Dr. Robin Heydenreich und Philipp Schramm (Bayreuth & Munich, Germany)
  • 11 April 2022: Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi. Visual Cultures of Africa - Book launch and presentations by Mary Claire Kidenda (Nairobi, Kenya), Lize Kriel (Pretoria, South Africa)
  • 17 February 2022: documenta lecture series (online)  From the “art of places” to “the place of art”: decolonization of culture and development of a transcultural dialogue. Lecture by Paul-Henry Souvenir Assako Assako (Yaounde/Douala, Cameroon)
  • 10 February 2022: documenta lecture series (online)  Images of defiance - South African anti-apartheid t-shirts. Lecture by Avi Sooful (Pretoria, South Africa)


  • 25 November 2021: documenta lecture series (online)  In search for definition: Investigation into the Concept and Context of Ghanaian Art. Lecture by Patrique deGraft-Yankson and Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel (Winneba/Ghana). Video recorded: Link
  • 4 November 2021: blaxTARLINES / KNUST Kumasi, Ghana. Exploring Visual Cultures. Lecture by the German delegation.
  • 21 October 2021: Academy of Arts Education Remscheid, Germany. Cultural Education in Postcolonial Times. Lectures by Emily Achieng Akuno and Ernst Wagner. Link
  • 14 October 2021: documenta lecture series (online): The Role of Competency-Based Education and Training to Enhance the Quality of Design Practice and Planning in Jua Kali artisan’s Skills as a  Community of Learners in Kenya. Lecture by Mary Claire Kidenda. Video recorded: Link
  • 8 October 2021: Academy of Fine Arts Munich, Germany. Was die deutsche Kunstpädagogik von dem Desaster in Afghanistan lernen kann. Lecture by Ernst Wagner
  • 27 September 2021: St. Lawrence University Kampala, Uganda. Potentials of Transcultural Art Education. Conference organized by AFrAA. Lecture by Tim Proetel, Link
  • 23 September 2021: Academy of Fine Arts Munich, Germany. Arts.Pedagogy.Global - conference hosted by BDK Bayern. Lectures by Avi Sooful and Ernst Wagner. Link  Download the manuscript of Avi's speech Link
  • 16 -17 July 2021: UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education, FAU Germany. Conference Interpretational Practices in the Postcolonial Era: Transcultural Perspectives in Cameroon, Germany, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. Keynotes by: Patrique deGraft-Yankson, Paul-Henri Souvenir ASSAKO ASSAKO, Esther Kibuka-Sebitosi, Mary Clare Akinyi Kidenda, and Ernst Wagner. Link
  • 26 June 2021: InSEA Webinar: Art education and globalization - Lectures by Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel, Tim Proetel, Annette Schemmel, and Ernst Wagner. Link
  • 19 June 2021: ACASA Triennial 2021, Lecture by Paul-Henri Souvenir ASSAKO ASSAKO. Link
  • Online: Ernst Wagner: Exploring Visual Cultures. Kunstpädagogik im Zeitalter der Globalität. In German
  • 28 May 2021: Spaces of cultural heritage (Karimatu Dauda, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria: Arts, Education & Sustainability of Bansuwe Dance among the Bura People of Borno State, Nigeria  &  Ernst Wagner: Exploring Visual Cultures - Transnational Internet Portal on Pictorial | Visual Memory, moderated by Pia Wagner (University of Hildesheim, Germany)
  • 25 May 2021: KACES Seoul, Korea, The 4 th UNITWIN Symposium - Arts Education in and through a Time of Crisis: How arts education can contribute to resolving today’s challenges; Ernst Wagner: Diversity in art education.


  • 7 December 2020: Luxun Art Academy, Shenyang, China; Ernst Wagner: New concepts of aesthetic education in a challenging era - the European experience
  • 1 December 2020: UNESCO HQ Paris: Expert Meeting on Education-related Indicators in the Overall Results Framework (ORF) for the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Their Relationship with SDG 4; Ernst Wagner: The EVC project
  • 26 and 27 November 2020: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden in cooperation with the Dresden University of Fine Arts: Museums and Universities of Diversity. How do museums and art colleges actively live and learn diversity? Ernst Wagner: Transformations of Art Education in Globalisation - Building Blocks for Contemporary Art Education
  • 16 - 17 March 2020: Sultan Qaboos University's College of Education, Muscat, Symposium Exploring Visual Cultures in Oman; Ernst Wagner: Collective Memory and Visual Culture
  • 7 February 2020: Museum Fünf Kontinente München; Paul Assako: Collecting and Presenting African Arts in the Museums of the Global North - A Perspective from Cameroon
  • 20 January 2020, Academy of Fine Arts Munich: Heimspiel; Annette Schemmel and Tim Proetel: „Bilderwelten – Weltbilder; Notizen zu einem transkulturellen Kunstunterricht“
  • 14 January 2020: University of Munich (LMU), lecture series "Art, Culture, Society" with the thematic focus on 'Awareness'; Ernst Wagner: Global Art vs. Local Art / Heritage vs. Future / Art vs. Education - A Report from the Laboratory of the Munich Academy of Art.


  • 2 December 2019: University of Wuppertal, Germany:1st International Conference of UNESCO Chairs; Paul Assako Assako, Patrique deGraft-Yankson and Esther Kibuka-Sebetosi: Collective Memory in the context of Visual Cultures
  • 13 November 2019: Academy of Fine Arts Munich, Germany: Exploring Visual Cultures - Perspectives from Ghana
    • Selasi Awusi Sosu: Glass through glass on glass: Exploring the poetics (LMU, Große Aula)
    • Eric Sakyi Nketiah: Euro-African femininity: Traditional German views of women similarly expressed in the traditional image of Ghanaian womanhood
    • Ebenezer Kwabena AcquahGhanaian art symbols and their representation: The Akan of Ghana in perspective.
    • Osuanyi Quaicoo EsselFashion on currency and currency of Ghanaian fashion
    • Patrique deGraft-YanksonSaying it the Artist’s Way: An aesthetical discourse on selected works of art from the Department of Art Education, UEW
    • Joseph Gertrude Nkrumah: Clio's perspective: an interpretation of some political symbols in the Ghanaian society
    • Joseph EssumanTechnological intrusions in image creation and interpretation within the Ghanaian visual culture
    • Yaw Sekyi-Baidoo: Art, symbol and philosophy – A study of selected Ghanaian wax print design
  • 2 - 6 September 2019: International Symposium (Summer School) in Cape Town, South Africa    Link
  • 29 January 2019: Academy of Fine Arts Munich, Germany: : Exploring Visual Cultures - Dialogues between South Africa and Germany
    • Dieter Rehm: Welcome address
    • Esther Kibuka-Sebitosi: Challenges and dilemmas of Decolonization: The 17 SDGs and Social contradictions in South Africa
    • Kerstin Pinther: In their own form: design as a material mode of critical inquiry - the work of Studio Formafantasma.
    • Elfriede Dreyer: Johannes Phokela, Deconstructing the European Masters
    • Bongani Mkhonza: Re-imagining the Image (Rhodes must fall - by Sethembile Msezane; Nelson Mandela the statue at the Union Buildings; They don’t make them like they used to - Mary Sibande)
    • Bea Lundt: The mermaid. An iconic figure between nature, femininity and death
    • Elfriede Dreyer: Rhizomatic identity in Africa
    • Niklas Wolf: Nefertiti Hack