Gh AKW a

Amoah Kennedy Wechega, Gender Matters, 2023. Digital Collage. A4 size


In today’s democratic world, everyone has his or her preferred way to live (lifestyle). Practically I Ghana, females are allowed to style their hair in whatever way their heart desire. This cannot be said for males who are pressured by society to shave their hair to fit in. males who do otherwise are usually tagged into bad associations, which might not be case. People are labelled suspect just because they choose to treat their hair differently from what the society classify to be normal. Sometimes, I ask why it is not so for the female who sometimes go the extra mile to buy artificial or natural hair to join to their already existing hair.


Gh AKW p


Amoah Kennedy Wechega is a final year Graphic Design student at the University of Education, Winneba - Ghana. He is currently researching into students’ perception in the use of typography for designing.