2025 01 laba logo

Assessment, Challenges, and Perspectives of Art History in Africa: The Case of the Discipline in Cameroon


LABA, Cameroon (https://www.labadouala.com/), is organizing the NATIONAL DAYS OF ART HISTORY (JNHA) in Douala from 7 to 9 April 2025. The title of the conference: Assessment, Challenges, and Perspectives of Art History in Africa: The Case of the Discipline in Cameroon. The organizing committee invites EVC to send proposals for lectures by end of January to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The conference will take place in presence in Douala, Cameroon. Proposals for online presentations are welcome.

Organizer: Libre Academy of Fine Arts (LABA) Douala – International Committee of Art History (CIHA)

Collaborations: University of Yaoundé 1; Institute of Fine Arts Nkongsamba, University of Douala; University of Maroua; Inter-State University Congo - Cameroon; University of Dschang; Exploring Visual Culture (EVC)



06 April
Arrival, welcome, and accommodation of guests and participants

07 April


  • Welcome address by the Director of LABA
  • Introductory speech by the President of the Provisional Bureau of CHA Cameroon
  • Keynote speech (Dean of the Art History discipline in Cameroon)


Think Tank: Assessment, challenges, and perspectives of Art History in African countries

a. Presentations: Benin, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Senegal, South Africa
b. Workshops: Teaching, research, and development support in Africa
  • Methodological approaches to teaching Art History in Cameroon/Africa
  • Contribution of Art History to sustainable development in Cameroon/Africa
  • The role of the Art Historian in facing contemporary societal challenges in Cameroon
  • Art History and the conservation of collective memory and artistic heritage
  • Methodological approaches to Art History in the face of new reference fields of art through AI


Presentation of CIHA and perspectives for the development of an "inclusive art history" discipline


08 April

Art Tour: Discovery of artistic promotion projects in Douala


Talks: Inter-contextuality, inter-temporality, and transculturality of visual culture in Africa

  1. Transcultural approach to visual culture: methods of narration in the EVC project
  2. Issues of provenance, restitution of "looted" cultural assets, and decolonization of knowledge


Research and Publications: Presentation No. 0 of the journal Afrikaland Arts & Design & discovery of published studies on art in Cameroon


CHA Board Team: Election and installation of the CHA Cameroon Board team


Closing of the JNHA: Speeches by the Director of LABA, the CIHA Board, and the President of the Art History Committee of Cameroon


Exhibition: Memory and Visual Creations / Opening of the exhibition


Concluding Dinner


09 April

Departure of guests