
Present: Ebenezer Acquah, Ghana; Paul-Henri Souvenir Assako Assako, Cameroon; Osuanyi Essel, Ghana; Mary Claire Akinyi Kidenda, Kenya; Constanze Kirchner, Germany; Nicola Pauli, Germany; Avi Sooful, South Africa; Bernadette Van Haute, South Africa; Ernst Wagner, Germany; Guests: Susanne Hesse, Katharina Hilgert (documenta)


  • Introduction to the new project leadership in Germany at the University of Augsburg: Dr. Constanze Kirchner who serves as the chair at the Institute for Visual Art Education at the University of Augsburg. She is happy to welcome phase 2 of the EVC project as a new focus in her leadership in the context of internationalization at the university. Nicola Pauli is a research assistant at the institute, employed by the university. Ernst Wagner remains as the coordinator of EVC, Germany and the EVC participation in Documenta fifteen, now hosted by the University of Augsburg. (The first phase of the project, run by the Munich Art Academy which started in 2018, will end in 2022. There will be an overlap of phase 1 and phase 2 for a short period of time.)


  • The minutes of the last meeting were accepted.


  • Presentation of artworks for the virtual exhibition “Collective Memory”. Avi Sooful gave a short presentation of what we already have, from Ghana, Kenya and South Africa.
    • In the case of animations (works from TUK) they should be presented as such, i.e. not just as screenshots.
    • In many cases it seems not to be obvious how the works are related to the topic “collective memory”. This might cause problems for the visitor (and the reader of the catalogue). Thus annotation are needed to help the viewer. A second phase of curation seems to be essential in this context, to have a convincing show at the end.
    • Possibilities were discussed how the results could be presented at Documenta. There could be a loop presentation via projector during the days of the summer school.
    • One physical art work, a small one, could be brought to the summer school as well. Through this we could give the exhibition space where we meet a specific spirit.


  • Book: Mary Clare Kidenda explained the state of affairs. We hope that the book can be launched at the end of this year.


  • Susanne Hesse talked about the specific profile of Documenta fifteen; the space that will be available for the EVC summer school in this context (taking place 29 July – 5 August); this is a unique chance for networking and doing research. She will send a list of official partners from our countries asap.
    Each partner university should develop local activities in the context of documenta fifteen. Mary Clare Kidenda explained TUK’s concept of developing cultural games together with the University of Applied Science in Augsburg. Avi Sooful explained her idea of creating banners related to the topics of waste and economy. Paul Assako Assako will start with a workshop with 10 art teachers about collective memory and heritage in Cameroon 8-12 November. He will include artists and art historians to start a process of rethinking art education. The project in Winneba, Ghana, will probably be related to the topic of storytelling.


Next meeting 14.11. (Sunday) / 9 am Ghana time